Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik

Broszat, Melanie

Broszat, Melanie

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. 
  • Raum: B255
  • Badstr. 24, 77652 Offenburg


  • Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (M+V), Professor*in

Lehrveranstaltungen (aktuelles und vorhergehendes Semester)

  • Water Processing, M+V913



Kathia Lüneberg, Blanca Prado, Melanie Broszat, Philipp Dalkmann, Daniel Díaz, Johannes Hübner, Wulf Amelung, Yolanda López-Vidal, Jan Siemens, Elisabeth Grohmann, Christina Desireé Siebe Water flow paths are hotspots for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in soil


Melanie Broszat, Elisabeth Grohmann Horizontal Gene Transfer in Planktonic and Biofilm Modes


Bernd Spangenberg, Melanie Broszat, Regina Brämer A new method for the quantification of Melamine in milk by Absorption Diode Array Thin-Layer Chromatography
Bernd Spangenberg, Melanie Broszat, Helena Ernst A simple Method for quantifying Triazine Herbicides using Thin-Layer Chromatography and a CCD-Camera


Melanie Broszat, Christoph Welle, Monika Wojnowski, Helena Ernst, Bernd Spangenberg A Versatile Method for Quantification of Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A in Dried Figs
Melanie Broszat, Helena Ernst, Bernd Spangenberg A simple method for quantifying triazine herbicides using thin-layer chromatography and a ccd camera


Melanie Broszat, Regina Brämer, Bernd Spangenberg Melamin in Milch : Eine neue dünnschicht-chromatographische Methode zur Bestimmung von Melamin und Cyanursäure in Milch


Melanie Broszat, Regina Brämer, Bernd Spangenberg A New Method for Quantification of Melamine in Milk by Absorption Diode-Array Thin-Layer Chromatography